Welcome to New Intellectuals Community for Learning and Prosperity!
The name of our community says it all. Now, who are New Intellectuals?
Those who:
- Are willing to think
- Know that man’s life must be guided by reason
- Value their own life
- Do not surrender to the cult of despair
- Do not surrender the world to the Dark Ages and to the rule of the brutes.
Check out our About page for getting to know our vision, mission and values.
Is this for you?
Are you interested in personal development, self-knowledge and constant improvement? Do you agree that reason is the best tool for making decisions and productively manage your life in the long run? Do you agree that freemarket capitalism and the free individual are the best foundations for a free and fair society and fulfilling life? If yes, then this community is for you!
Our Courses page features some of the courses you can get access to for paying only $3 a month.
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